Not Going to the “VC”

It’s always nice to go to the Visitor’s Center at the Temple.

So last Sunday was part 2 of an event at the VC, it was going to be a more spiritual part opposed to the Hispanic Heritage dancing part (we actually didn’t get to watch the show, but that’s a different story). So this time we had an investigator who wanted to go.

Last minute the person cancels and we were rushing all over the phone telling the person who was going to pick her up to not worry about picking her up anymore. On top of that, the Zone Leaders were going to give us a ride to the VC and so we had to find out if there were other investigators/members were going.

We were stressing out! It was the most intense 20 minutes on the phone trying to call everyone. We end up not going, and it was pretty disappointing. My mindset was that, okay, fine it wasn’t His Will for us to go, that means He has something prepared for us tonight.

We knock a bunch of doors, trying to find this supposed-miracle-person. We find this family, who had been to the VC before, but in the end just wasn’t interested. We visit some less actives, make appointments.

We get the prompting to visit one of these referrals that we’ve been trying to visit, but their son was always the one to answer the door. So it was going to be the second time that day to visit this person, and she was home!

We teach her the Restoration and the Spirit was really strong. We invited her to be baptized and she said “yes” (I actually had to ask her twice to make sure she knew what she was answering to). We ask her “will you prepare for that day?” She responds with “what time is it going to be?”

I’ll admit I was frustrated after we tracted those doors earlier wondering where this “miracle” was going to be, and once again I was humbled and grateful that He showed me that He answers prayers. So glad we didn’t go to the VC that night, we would’ve missed that opportunity.

It’s so true about God’s Will. Sometimes we try our very best, do everything in our power and the outcome isn’t what we wanted, it’s because He has something else prepared for us that’s something even more worth it.