Pit Stop II


Yes, another bathroom story. You’d be surprised how the Lord uses that to His advantage.

So we went about our day as regular as it can be, but we decided to hold off from going to the bathroom for a long time.

And we needed to find a bathroom quick.

We approached our bikes to unlock them and a van pulls up.

We hear “Hey Elders!” We have a light conversation and find out they go to the English ward, or the ‘English congregation.”

They ask us if they needed anything to which we sheepishly replied “Yeah, can we use your bathroom?”

They drove us to their home, talked some more, and took care of business.

Of course it says in the Preach My Gospel, that we ask EVERYONE for referrals.

“Do you know anyone who would be interested in our message?” (mind you, these are members of the English ward) and to our delight they said:

“Yes, we have two families that speak Spanish around our neighborhood.”

A great reminder that we need to ask EVERYONE, because God has His plan.